January 28, 20214 January 28, 2021Meet Melissa, A Care2Foster Ambassador Who is Changing Children’s LivesTwo words guide every step that Melissa takes: faith and family. I’ve had the privilege of getting to know Melissa, and she is one of the […]
February 26, 202036 February 26, 2020Seeking to Affirm and Encourage Black Girls: An Interview with Khristi Lauren AdamsI recently reviewed Parable of a Brown Girl by Kristi Lauren Adams as a book that could help foster families – especially ones who aren’t black […]
February 26, 2020100 February 26, 2020Celebrating Voices and Experiences Different than Your Own: A Quick Guide for Foster ParentsParable of the Brown Girl: The Sacred Lives of Girls of Color by Khristi Lauren Adams When you foster, you are likely welcoming into your family […]
February 24, 202057 February 24, 2020Why Foster Care: Our Non-Traditional Approach to Starting a FamilyIt started when our friends got pregnant. We knew it would. Baby fever hit our friend group like a ton of bricks! Everyone was talking about […]