“It sounds preposterous, but it has been a blessing to me.” That is how foster mom, Tasha, describes her journey as a foster and adoptive mom.
As a nurse, Tasha knew how to care for people, but she never expected to be a foster mom.
One day as she was driving down the road, she saw a billboard for Heartfelt Calling. Looking at the billboard, she felt a nudge to call and find out more. Soon, she found herself completing paperwork and going through the home study process. There was something about this unexpected calling that seemed right. Tasha has since fostered and adopted several medically fragile children.
However, in the process of fostering and adopting, Tasha soon found her house was not as big as her heart. Her home did not have the physical space needed to care for more children.
Instead of quitting, Tasha began the search for another place to live.
At the same time this was going on, Tasha reached out to fellow foster mom, Amy. Tasha and Amy had connected through the siblings they were fostering, sisters Emily and Ava. Knowing the importance of sibling relationships, Tasha and Amy nurtured the sisters’ relationship by spending time together.
It turns out there was a plot of land for sale in Amy’s neighborhood. It was just the place Tasha was searching for. This was the place she decided to build her new home.
The siblings, Emily and Ava, now share their lives as sisters in the same neighborhood.
They play together. They celebrate birthdays with one another. Living in close proximity, they are able to get together on a moment’s notice. Their adoptive moms, Amy and Tasha, have become a support for one another as well. Out of the sibling connection between their daughters came a supportive friendship. They know they can turn to one another.
Tasha loves the children that have come into her home. She has room in her heart for each of them, and now, she has room in her home where her children and their siblings can play and thrive together.