Do you ever think about your life and wonder if there could be more? I do.
But I’ll be honest. Most days, I wish there were less. I’m the mom of two beautiful girls, ages five and seven. I work. I am active in my church. I volunteer in my community. I sign up for projects I don’t have time to complete, but somehow still get done. I attempt to be a loving wife, an attentive mother, and a good friend. I am constantly fighting a battle with laundry, dishes, meals to prepare, clutter, and mess – so much that I am convinced a tornado wreaks havoc on my home when I am away. I feel like all I do is run around, trying to keep everything together.
Still, in the midst of the insanity, I realize I am blessed. I have a loving husband who is fully devoted to our family. I have friends who support me. My two girls are delightful – each in their own way.
Aimee, my seven year old, is my serious, sensitive child. I love her bright smile and how she bursts with a belly laugh when something delights her.

Ruby is my six year old. Watch out! She is trouble, but her playfulness and enthusiasm are contagious.

I know my girls are growing fast, and I don’t want to miss the time I have with them. This year, I resolved to say “no” more so I can spend more time with them and be fully present when we are together – less worrying about my to-do list or putting on a movie so I can get something done.
I resolved to leave more time for relationships, to invest in my marriage, and to respond when a friend needs encouragement or help. I also resolved to spend more time with God.
You may be wondering what all of these resolutions have to do with foster care. When I first learned about fostering, I felt afraid to take the first step. How could I fit another person into my already busy life? The truth was, I couldn’t. I needed to do less so that I could do more.
So now it’s a couple months into 2019, I am still not a foster mom. I am not saying I will fill out an application to foster… yet. But I will add margin to my life so that I can discover the more in my life – which might be fostering, if only I would make room for it.
In the meantime, continue to follow my blog posts as I learn about the foster system. I will review a book and then follow with an interview from someone who has perspective on that topic. Who knows? Maybe you will find that fostering is YOUR more. I look forward to discovering with you!