Approximately one in every 10 foster children has been the victim of physical abuse, according to the U.S. Health and Human Services’ Children’s Bureau. There’s the […]
Navigating the Challenges of Marriage as Foster and Adoptive Parents Parenting is a lot of work- adoptive and foster parenting is A LOT of work. How […]
Every family is beautiful. Every family has a story. These are stories of two families that are raising children of a different race. This isn’t uncommon […]
“It feels impossible to become a licensed foster home in South Carolina.” Have you ever heard someone say that before? Have you said that? It’s normal […]
When I first began fostering, I didn’t understand why other foster parents introduced themselves using their names and the number of kids who have lived with […]
A Commissioning for Local Foster Care, Adapted from Sarah Bessey‘s Commissioning Prayer Stand now, head up, you are loved, remember? You are loved, and you are […]
If you are considering becoming licensed for foster care, offering respite to current foster families can be a great way to ease yourself in slowly, while […]
As I’m waiting for the phone to ring, I’m filled with such a mix of emotions: eagerness, anxiety, excitement, impatience, all-out fear. When we find ourselves […]